Finding Our Centre Again
The Noise
Have you ever had a time in your life where you’ve felt totally off-balance? You’ve felt scattered, overwhelmed, somewhat lost in the dark, unclear where the path forward leads?
I know the answer is yes, because we’ve all been there.
Existing in the world today can sometimes feel like a challenge, with lessons after lessons all fuelling our growth. We live in a beautifully busy world with an incomprehensible amount of moving parts. Some affecting us; most happening without us even being aware.
This interconnected web of movement within our society and within the natural world, the constant ebb and flow of life, what a privilege it is to be a part of, and yet how easy it is to get caught up in things that don’t concern us.
As deeply feeling humans, impacted by our environment and affected by our inherent tribe mentality more than we’d like to be, feeling off-centre and disconnected is all too common today.
We seem to have lost touch with the truth that real peace and freedom can only be found within, and we’ve put too much focus on the things around us. People, places, situations, possessions. We’ve taken the power out of our own hands and we’ve placed it on the things we actually have no control over. Our relationship with nature has taken the back seat, and feeling grounded in our centre is something we must intentionally strive for these days.
Whilst that might sound bleak, one of the beautiful paradoxes of the human experience is that sometimes in life, we must lose our way to find our truth.
‘Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself’
- Rumi
The Pendulum Swings
When the pendulum swings one way, it must first swing to the other side before finding its balance.
These inevitable moments of disorientation in our lives, where the pendulum swings to extremes, can serve as the greatest catalysts for transformation, no matter how uncomfortable they may be. It can be in the midst of confusion that we often discover what truly matters to us, and in our search for truth we push the pendulum to swing to the other side. Joy, bliss, elation, freedom.
A misconception with self-empowerment (you may call it self-development, healing, inner work), is that it’s a linear path instead of a rollercoaster journey. In reality, the pendulum swings from side to side until we can find our steady centre.
Coming Back To Centre
When the world feels too much or you’ve lost your balance, having a centred place to come back to is the ultimate medicine. A safe space just for you, to nourish and re-align. Here are some practices that I continuously revisit to find my centre again.
At any point throughout the day, close your eyes and come back to yourself, free from the noise of daily life. Visualise your centre (whatever that looks like to you), quiet the mind and anchor yourself into the present moment.
The more you spend time understanding yourself, the more love and belonging you get to feel. Writing down your thoughts and feelings can be a powerful tool to explore your inner landscape and recalibrate. Simply ask yourself, ‘How am I feeling today?’
Through the body, we experience the world. Emotions or blockages can be stored within our bodies, dimming the light of our centre, leaving us to feel unbalanced. So come back to your body - anchor, release, shake, dance - do what you need to do to free up space within.
Whilst it’s easy to look externally, it’s our responsibility to fill our own cup. Throughout daily life our nervous systems are constantly triggered, by bringing yourself back into a peaceful and regulated state you create space for your inner voice to emerge. Spend time in nature, tend to your inner child, indulge in relaxing practices.
When you’ve found your centre, setting boundaries to protect your peace is essential. Learn to say no to activities and commitments that do not serve your well-being, and focus on what truly matters to you. Decipher between what depletes you and what nourishes you.
Be so grounded in yourself, that nothing
or no-one can disturb your inner peace.
Sometimes, we need external support to navigate our inner world and help develop strategies for personal growth. That’s what The Connection Guide is for. Click here to explore.